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International Day for the Eradication of Poverty: Dignity For All in Practice

Not all giving is the same, there is a right way and a wrong way to do it.

There is giving that diminishes the receiver. They are made to feel judged or disparaged by the person helping them.

There is also giving that uplifts the receiver. They are made to feel loved and cared for.

However, the best of all is giving with dignity. They are made to feel honoured and respected regardless of their financial needs.

When living in poverty made them struggle with shame, rejection and humiliation, think about the ways you can give to others that let them know they are valued and respected.

To be a 'giver' in this life is a blessing, take that role with joy and humility.

In conjunction with this year's theme for international Day for the Eradication of Poverty: Dignity For All in Practice' lets share and raise awareness.

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