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Our story picked up by Daily Rakyat

The pandemic that has plagued the country for the past 2 years has had enough of an impact on the community. Especially for the less fortunate, the situation that forces them to languish in the house is enough to dampen the spirits of all family members.

Usually, we hear about the groans of adults who are facing a financial crisis and struggling to find a livelihood in times of a pandemic.

But have we ever asked about the condition of our children? Even if they have no commitment, how does the pandemic Bme affect them?

It turns out that the period of being in the house for too long has deprived the children of interest in studying and going to school. This fact was also agreed by UNICEF.

Those of us who sit in a well-equipped home with a variety of amenities may not be aware of this issue. Azlan Shah, who actively visits needy families in Malaysia through the ARBA Foundation, sees this issue as quite serious. Through his observations, most 9-year-olds are still not good at reading, writing and counting.

Their parents are also distressed to see the children's performance declining since the time of this pandemic as well as raising concerns about the future of children.

Not only do they have to deal with economic poverty, but they also have to deal with learning poverty.

Managing a child is not an easy thing for parents, let alone for a single mother. The challenge is seen to be greater for single mothers who struggle to manage all things alone.

This matter cannot be tolerated. Children's enthusiasm and motivation need to be restored to build a positive character and identity.

From there, Azlan was tickled to develop the Adiwira Project to develop talents and extracurricular activities as well as to restore the children's spirit to learn.

The project started 10 weeks ago by sponsoring and sending some children to join a football club or academy. All costs including fees, equipment and transportation are borne as required.

Azlan was quite pleased to receive very encouraging feedback from the parents and coaches involved.

Children who previously lacked self-confidence and were not interested in school showed a fairly significant change.

Among the participants who showed such good progress was Zakwan's younger brother, 9 years old. Despite dropping out of school a little, this little boy showed considerable interest and potential in football.

By providing opportunities and facilities to practice, Azlan believes that the potential of this young child can be developed.

He has also started enrolling Zakwan to join a local community football club. Zakwan and his family are really very happy after participating in this program.

Seeing the positive effects, Azlan and the ARBA Foundation are now exploring opportunities and other areas of talent to be included in the Adiwira Project.

"Not only football, various sports and other talents are also given attention, regardless of men or women. Sports and not sports, ”said Azlan via Facebook.

Commenting further, Azlan believes all children have special talents. It is our job to give them space to highlight their potential.

He is also confident that this method will at once restore children's interest in learning and going to school.

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